Malcolm X autopsy
On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400-person audience yelled “Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!” As Malcolm X and his bodyguards attempted to quiet the disturbance, a man seated in the front row rushed forward and shot him once in the chest with a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Two other men charged the stage and fired semi-automatic handguns, hitting Malcolm X several times. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 pm, shortly after arriving at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. According to the autopsy report, Malcolm X’s body had 21 gunshot wounds to his chest, left shoulder, and arms and legs; ten of the wounds were buckshot to his left chest and shoulder from the initial shotgun blast.
Your point?
You know his point white trash
You are an evil racist
Such a sad day in Afro American history. Our manhood, our black manhood silenced.
Was the autopsy true? we only see chest wounds.
He was also hit in the arms and legs, you just don’t see it in these photos.
As everyone see that the bullets came from a downward angle. How can our own brothers kill him down on the floor if he was on A stage. The stage was five or more feet in the air. Now I believe the traitors was accessories to his murder by shooting blank shots. Rest in paridise to another activist Mr. Dick Gregory for unveiling the truth behind 2 of our most wanted to know theories. The assassination of MLK & Malcolm X.
Yeah..i heard Dick Gregory say the same thing
We all know Farrakhan had him killed.
Those bullet wounds to the chest are well grouped, sign of a marksman, buckshot was to keep a clear target for the assassin?
Those are the wounds inflicted by a sawed off shotgun, which is why they’re closely spaced.
A sawed off shotgun is going to scatter the shot more
Not with a sawed off barrel..shorter barrel equals shorter travel equaling shorter time to spread
well whomever did it made sure that they were grouped in the heart area to make sure that he would be killed! Such evil demon cowards and good for nothing but destroy and tear down!!