Tagged: dead bodies


Muammar Gaddafi death

After the fall of Tripoli to forces of the opposition National Transitional Council (NTC) in August 2011, Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, and his family fled the Libyan capital. He was widely...


103-year old preserved corpse of clown Achile Chatouilleu

The California Institute of Abnormalarts is a nightclub and sideshow museum located in North Hollywood, California. Owned and operated by actor-screenwriter Carl Crew and Robert Ferguson, the venue primarily hosts underground musical groups, performance art, movie screenings and sideshow acts including burlesque and freak shows.


2015 Kenyan student massacre

On 2 April 2015, gunmen stormed the Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya, killing 147 people, and injuring 79 or more. The militant group and Al-Qaeda offshoot, Al-Shabaab, which the gunmen claimed to be from, took responsibility for the attack. The gunmen...


Chris Farley death photos

Following his final guest appearance on Saturday Night Live on October 25, 1997, Farley’s hoarse voice and flushed skin were the subject of public scrutiny. In the final years of his life, Farley had sought treatment for...


GG Allin funeral photo

GG Allin was an American punk rock singer-songwriter, who is best remembered for his notorious live performances, which often featured transgressive acts, including coprophagia, self-mutilation, and attacking audience members. AllMusic and G4TV’s That’s Tough have...


Suicide of Evelyn McHale

This powerful photo taken by Robert C. Wiles was published as a full-page image in the 12 May 1947 issue of Life Magazine. It ran with the caption: “At the bottom of the Empire...


Bugsy Siegel death photo

On the night of June 20, 1947, as Siegel sat with his associate Allen Smiley in Virginia Hill’s Beverly Hills home reading the Los Angeles Times, an assailant fired at him through the window...


A man swallowed by a snake

This photo comes from a now-defunct site titled The JoshReport. After receiving a previous email from one Andrew Maddox questioning the authenticity of the photo, which we published on this page, Josh himself from the...